Monday, November 15, 2010

The Mullis Family

The name Ethan means 'strong'. I don't know anyone with a more perfect and fitting name. This little boy is Ethan. This little boy is strong. In his short little lifetime, he has endured and overcome more than most of us will in our whole lives. He was born with a severe heart defect, called pulmonary atresia with VSD. I truly believe that Ethan is the healthy, spunky toddler that he is because of his parents and my dear friends, Joye and Jeramie. God knew they would do an awesome job being his mom and dad. I have watched in amazement as a precious, fragile little baby has grown into a sweet little boy, that my own son has befriended and I adore. It was an absolute honor to take pictures of one of the most beautiful families I know.

Check out more of their story on their blog :

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