Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Wick's Boo Boo

The weekend before last I was rushing around trying to get ready for a wedding rehearsal (I'll be posting about that wedding later). It was an early rehearsal, so Ben had to get off work around 11:00. Ben had just gotten home and decided that he wanted a particular shirt to wear to the rehearsal. I never ever ever iron when Wick is awake...it's just too hard...but that day I did. Well, we have the kind of ironing board that sits on the ground and I like to sit on the floor to iron...Wickham kept fussing in his high chair so I sat the iron down to let him out. We had a ton of music gear in the kitchen because we had been practicing and playing around the night before and when I let Wick out of his high chair, he ran straight for the gear...anyone who knows Wick well knows that he has this fascination for guitar cases, cords, pedal boards.....wonder where he gets that from :)....so I ran over and started picking up the things he had pulled down and he ran right into the living room and grabbed the iron. As soon as he screamed I knew what he had done. I grabbed him and ran upstairs to tell Ben, who was in the shower, and started running his hand under the water. I started yelling call "Katie Petro!!! call Bobbi-Jo"...both nurses. Just in case anyone ever gets burned, always run it under the cold water for at least ten minutes. Then, I soaked some wash rags in ice water and then wrapped up his hand and then we took off for the doctor. It was such an awful day, but once they got him all bandaged up he fell asleep. His Aunt Sam came to visit him and when he woke up from a long nap he was in the best mood. He kept asking us to go outside, so we took him to the parklater that evening. Here are a few pictures...I wanted to document his first big "boo boo". He has been soo good...sitting very still to let us change his bandage...and he still uses his hand as if nothing ever happened. The pics aren't edited and some are a little blurry (I didn't want to use my flash because I like the color without it...but he wasn't holding still), but I love this park in Cary because of the color. There are a few that I am going to edit and post later that turned out really well.

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